About Us

About Littleton High School
Littleton High School is a comprehensive suburban high school located south of Denver, Colorado. Littleton has a century-long tradition of excellence and community support. It is comprised of 1400 students in grades 9-12.
Littleton High School offers the International Baccalaureate Diploma Program and regularly awards between forty and fifty diplomas each year. A wide array of Advanced Placement courses is also available, as well as opportunities to enroll in “dual enrollment” courses which offer both high school and college credit. Students are supported by a Freshman Advisement Program, an English Language Acquisition Program, a Special Education Program, and a Gifted and Talented Program.
Students have access to 24 varsity sports and 33 clubs and activities. Students are able to participate in more than one sport and more than one activity at a time. The school seeks to balance excellent results with opportunities for all.
School Motto: Make A Living Make A Life Make a Difference
About St Mark’s School, Meera Bagh
St.Mark’s Senior Secondary Public School, Meera Bagh is run by St. Mark’s Christian Educational Society. This Society runs St. Mark’s Sr. Sec. Public School, Janakpuri & St. Mark’s Girls Sr. Sec. School, Meera Bagh too. Recognized by the Delhi Administration, the school follows the CBSE Syllabus. It has all the requirements of a progressive institution - well equipped Laboratories, a well stocked Library, Latest Computers, Audio-visual facilities, a huge play field for all the major games (Cricket, Football, Basket ball etc.) NCC & Scouts, Hobby Clubs, provisions for various co-curricular activities including camping and educational excursions.
In addition to above, A Mathematics Laboratory with Audio-Visual facilities, working models and other instruments as per the CBSE curriculum are available. Also Resource Rooms for English, Hindi, Sanskrit and Psychology are maintained.
School Motto
Loyalty, Truth & Honour
Special Features
Co-educational English medium School for Juniors & Seniors.
Sound moral, intellectual and physical education is imparted.
Great stress is laid on the inculcation of high ideals and moral behaviour.
Special emphasis on Secularism.
The school is to extend a hand of friendship to the students’ community and teaching faculty all over the world and unite under the canopy of “UNIVERSAL BROTHERHOOD, WORLD PEACE and CO-EXISTENCE OF MAN AND NATURE".